Microsoft activesync xperia
Microsoft activesync xperia

That will then indicate for us that this is needed. " The best thing you can do is to start a discussion / suggest a feature on the forum, as then it will get more audience and maybe there are other with the same interest and needs.

microsoft activesync xperia

I raised a case with Jolla and after some e-mail back an forth they closed the case and wrote the following:

microsoft activesync xperia

However as my employer has pushed successfully to a more secure environment by enforcing MFA / 2FA I am not able anymore to sync with my phone due to the fact that the Exchange Supported apps do not support Modern Authentication. As I use my Xperia X as a daily driver, it had been a pleasure to use my work e-mail and calendar with the native Jolla apps (e-mail calendar and contacts) thanks to the exchange support on Sailfish.

Microsoft activesync xperia