What is whatsapp messenger service
What is whatsapp messenger service

SQLite is a stand-alone, self-contained, relational database that is meant to be embedded into applications-which means it lives on your device. In addition to the programming language itself, another important technology that WhatsApp uses on the frontend is an SQLite database. Here's a list of all the supported platforms with the front-end language(s) that were used to build each one: They actually built a native app for each platform. With so many supported platforms, you may have guessed that WhatsApp would be a hybrid app. Up until 2017, you could even use WhatsApp on a BlackBerry. It has an iOS app, Android app, desktop app, web app, and Windows Phone app. The first part of the WhatsApp system design that a user interacts with is the mobile or web app.

what is whatsapp messenger service

Let’s start with the frontend and work our way to the hardware on the backend. However, as companies do update their tech stack frequently, this information is subject to change. To the best of our knowledge, this information is accurate.

what is whatsapp messenger service

‍ Disclaimer: We scoured the internet to collect every resource on WhatsApp architecture design and have compiled and summarized it here. If you’ve ever wondered about the top dog in the chat app world, keep reading. We’ll answer all the above-mentioned questions and more. In this article, we are going to take a deep dive into WhatsApp’s architecture and system design. How does it handle so many concurrent users and messages? What kind of frameworks and programming languages enable that kind of scale? How do they keep all that data secure? So many questions!

what is whatsapp messenger service

With such almost-astronomical traffic, one can’t help but wonder how WhatsApp works - its system design, server architecture, technology. According to Mark Zuckerberg, over 100 billion messages are sent over WhatsApp every day. WhatsApp is the most popular messaging service in the world. Which app has over 2.5 billion active users, over 5 billion downloads, and is the most popular app in over 100 countries?

What is whatsapp messenger service